The Search and Rescue Robot

This Blog was created by Philippe Pierre-Paul, Bismark Polley, Anthony Giamella and Tom O'gara. We are freshman Engineering students attending the Stevens Institute of Technology. It will follow our 6 week Search and Rescue Robot Design 2 Project.

April 16, 2009

Mid Project Engineering Challenges

Today while we were in the design lab, the group learned that the robot has to be capable of dropping two payloads at different locations, contrary to the assumed one payload requirement. As panic nealry filled the room, the group circumvented the problem through quick thinking and strong communication.

 For starters, each member presented a different solution to address the problem. Talks were heated but the final solution is a combination of the best parts  from each suggestions. Currently, the arm design is the process of being exstended to meet the new requirement of two payloads. 

In sum then, as we tackle every new challenge, we are learning that the group must come to a strong agreement and understand, plus that we will need more Dunkin Donuts Coffee. 


April 14, 2009

Presentation Well done.

Anthony, I just checked. Your package is with me.


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Hey guys,

When we left class today did anyone happen to pick up the white plastic ACE Hardware bag? I had forgotten it in my rush to leave, and there is some important building materials in there, along with my pocketknife. If anyone has it please let me know ASAP...



April 12, 2009

Weekly Update

Hey guys, I will second Anthony's suggestion to meet tomorrow to practice for the presentation. I will also suggest the time to meet to be 6:00pm if that will be fine with everyone. In addition, Phil and I had the drivers for the PS3 controller so we will try that and hopefully we can finish the experiment as originally planned. Moreover, I am confident that we can finish both the hardware and software part by the end of this week.


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Weekly Update 4/12

Hey everyone,

Looks like so far our group has been doing fantastic. I can see us really making a good impression for the presentation.

I figured that its better if we all worked on the presentation together, that way we will be more in sync and professional (we WILL do at least one practice run), so can we meet sometime tomorrow? (that would be Monday the 13th). Also, I can't meet after 9:00 PM. sorry.

As for Tuesday, I think we should divide and continue to conquer. Me and Bismark will work on the hardware part, I will have the arm done by tomorrow, while Phil and Tom can continue to program the joystick. On that note, I wasn't able to get an Xbox controller =(, but if we really can't use the joystick I guess I find a way to get one.

I think that we should have all of the robot done (i.e. hardware and programming) by the end of this week. That way, we can relax for the last two weeks a bit, and just work on testing the thing. I know this is a bit ambitious, but I'm willing to stay after class on Tuesday (my psych class is cancelled for that day) and talking with Phil for extra lab hours. Let me know what you guys think.

As always, keep up the good work everyone!

- Anthony